We know that to be a successful athlete it involves establishing and maintaining high levels of physical fitness. Although, this is only a small part of the strategy that is required in order to achieve success; sports performance is as much to do with mental ability as it does physical ability.
To most of us this might sound a little strange, however there is thousands of people involved in sport have recognised how their mental state has a huge impact on their performance and how effective a positive mindset can have on their performance.
Hypnosis has long been recognised as an enormously powerful tool in improving performances on the sports field and elsewhere.
Elite sports men and women have been using Hypnosis for many years to help them reach their full potential within their chosen sports.
Athletes like Ben Cohen (Rugby Union), Andy Cole and Nathan Redmond (Football), and Tiger Woods (Golf) have all reportedly used hypnosis to improve their performance.
The extensive research of Dr Jamie Barker andDr Matthew Slater at Staffordshire University has repeatedly shown that Hypnosis is of enormous benefit in maximising individual sporting performance. The British Psychological Society state on their website: “Their research has consistently revealed hypnosis to be effective in helping athletes to develop and maintain the appropriate mind-set needed for optimal performance, along with increasing their actual performance.”
Hypnosis can improve performance, sleep, style, posture and self-confidence.
Hypnosis can also help to speed physical recovery, remove negative feelings, self-doubt, stress and anything that may hinder a great performance.
Do you want to go to the next level in your chosen sport? Is a lack of confidence holding you back? Maybe a bad performance/accident/injury prevents you giving your all? Are you struggling to stay positive or cope with a long-term injury? Do you choke under pressure, or can one mistake ruin a whole game?
If any of these, or anything else, is holding you back from being at the top of your game
Sports hypnosis can help
· Control underlying levels anxiety so concerns away from the sport do not impact sports performance
· Improve focus, temper control and/or and the ability to cope with pressurised situations on the Sports Field
· Refine and improve skills, especially when physical practice is restricted due to injury or other circumstance
· Overcome chronic sport conditions such as Yips and Dartitis
· Maintain positivity during difficult and challenging times such as injury.